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They hate rubbing takes a few weeks but if you dab the warts once or twice a day they will go away. For a very bad infection, it could take years but they will die. Peel the dead warts off the skin to the best of your ability and always follow up with the alcohol on the area. Stay focused, you are at war!

They give themselves away by itching (intensely) before they can be seen. Be sure to dab the itching area right away!

You can have thousands of warts on your hands and not know it as they hide under calluses. Pay attention and keep fighting. Be sure to put alcohol on your hands before going into the public areas or you will spread the infection to others. Wearing surgical gloves around the house will help keep the virus off door knobs etc. The virus will live forever on clothing. Spraying the inside of your clothing with alcohol will kill the virus. Washing white items in Clorox will do so also.

I have heard tea tree oil works....have yet to try that. I am winning my war but it is taking a long time as I had a very bad infection and did not know it.

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I used Duct Tape which worked well for me.

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