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It's hard to tell what you're trying to ask because either you may be referring to feeding the calf roughage, or "eating" milk. The calf will be able to eat the roughage if it's hungry enough, as many a thrifty calf with intense curiousity (as is with most calves) will find the hay and grain to eat on its own.

As for the milk, that's a different story. You will have a harder time getting a calf to drink from a bottle or bucket than one that is newborn because he will be very used to suckling from his momma but not from a bottle. Even the taste of the milk replacer isn't the same as the milk straight from his momma. Either way, you will have to restrain him, and try to get him to suckle from a bottle at first. You can't do it by yourself, as you will need someone to help you hold him while you teach him to accept the bottle or bucket. It will take a while for him to get used to it, so be persistant and don't give up.

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Q: How do you get a one month old calf to eat after the mother died?
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They have to be bottle fed milk replacer that is specially made for them. Milk replacer usually comes in a powder formula which is mixed with water and given to the calf accordingly. However, milk replacer doesn't need to be given to the orphaned calf if the owner has a cow that can be used as a surrogate mother for the calf.

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Are you referring to feed like hay and grain, or milk? Please be more specific so the question can actually be answered.

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