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The first thing to do is make sure you have a leak. and it is not just evaporation that is giving you your problem. you can do this by just taking a bucket and filling it with pool water. mark the water level in the bucket and in the pool. Stand the bucket next to the pool without disturbing the pool for a day or two. If the distance to the water level mark you made is the same in the pool as it is in the bucket then you don't have a leak and you are just loosing water to evaporation. if the distance to the water level mark in the pool is bigger then you are losing water somewhere else as well. I have had a concrete salt water pool for close to twenty years and it is still sound. I have had some problems wit pipes before though.

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Q: How do you find a leak in a concrete salt pool. tested all the lines and they are fine. It's a concrete pool and we switched to salt system 7 years ago. Could cement become porus enough and lose water?
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The strength of concrete depends on the mix used to make it- ratio of cement, sand, gravel and water. If the mix does not produce a concrete that is strong enough, the concrete will break.

Why cement can hard?

Concrete has Portland cement in it. Portland cement is finely ground limestone that is baked until there is no water in it at all. After concrete is poured, the water in it starts chemically combining with the Portland cement, slowly turning it back into limestone . . . sort of. After 3 days, the concrete is hard enough to use . . . walking on or driving on with a light car, but it takes 28 days for concrete to harden to its full rated strength so it is usable in building, bridges, and so on.

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First of all, concrete does not "dry" to become hard. It cures, which is a chemical interaction between its water and its portland cement. Usually, a couple of hours is plenty of time for concrete to 'set' enough to not be damaged by rain. The best and strongest concrete never dries out for the first 28 days from pouring it.

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Concrete setting is initiated by a process called hydration. Rather than the concrete just 'drying out', the hydration process involves the water added to the materials (stone, sand & cement) reacting with the cement. The water reacts with calcium in the cement to form an alkali paste which bonds the materials together. Adding too little water means not enough cement hydrates to set properly, but too much will cause separation of the materials.

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Some, er, ideas:Get quick drying cement and jump in and out quickly. Get enough concrete to cover your body.Stand really, really, ridiculously still.Note: The first one is not a good idea. The second one is not a good idea if you're impatient or fidgety.

What is setting of Portland cement?

In normal usage, allowing the concrete to "set" is the same same as allowing the concrete to "cure". This process starts soon after you mix the cement and aggregate with water, and is a result of the water in the mix chemically binding with cement components. As the concrete sets or cures, the mixture gets harder. Depending on the proportions of the materials in the concrete, after a few hours the concrete will be hard enough to support the weight of the workers as they perform finishing operations (trowelling). After a couple of days, the concrete will typically be hard enough to remove formwork, as long as no loads are imparted to the concrete in doing so. Concrete in the US is typically specified as the compressive strength reached after 28 days. The term "initial set" is used informally to represent the time, after about 4 or 5 hours, where the concrete materials are beginning to bond chemically, and at which point the concrete must be undisturbed or irreparable damage to the structure will occur. All consolidation, compaction and initial floating (levelling) needs to be complete well before the concrete begins its initial set.

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It might be possible to melt concrete if lava in contact with it was hot enough. But it is more likely that concrete would decompose and become "crumbly" before it "melted" when heated.

How do you remove concrete from toilet abs drain pipe. Toilets and bathtubs removed and pipes filled with cement in retalitaion for home repossession - HELP?

Assuming there is a fair amount of cement in the pipes, you are going to have to cut the pipes and replace them. At the very least you will need to cut the pipe past where the cement is and try and break it up into small enough pieces to come out of the pipe. If it was fairly dry when put it, it might break up. If it was wet enough to pour, the pipe will have to be replaced.

Why water is added to the concrete mix?

Water is added to concrete mux because without it, the mix could not stay moist long enough for it to get spread and leveled. <><><> Adding water starts a chemical reaction when the concrete CURES (not dries) into a solid mass. No water, your mix sits there as a dusty mix of sand, aggregate, and Portland Cement. Too much water, and your finished concrete will be of low strength.

What is the intial setting time for cement?

The initial setting time of cement is 30 minutesThe final setting time of the cement is 10 hours.The initial and final setting time of the cement can be found by using the Vicat's apparatus.

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if you sniff it long enough and hard enough then yes you can.