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After examination and x-ray films, your dentist will let you know if you are a good candidate for a root canal. Depending on your age, health status, etc. Most likely happens when the nerve of the tooth is decaying or becomes infected. you will be on antibiotics for a while until the infection clears. Then depending on above mentioned, it may take a few visits to complete the procedure. The first visit will be the touchiest of most. I'm not going to lie to you, it is painful even with anesthetic. However, after the main root is out, some teeth have several roots and canals. The next 2 or 3 visits should go well. Be patient with the appointments this procedure cannot be rushed. I am 66 and all my life have heard "Horror" stories about the pain associated with Root Canal procedures. About 5 years ago I had to have one in a molar, and I am here to tell you that there was NO more pain involved than occurs during the injection of the local anesthetic!!!!! After the local anesthetic "wore off," there was no actual pain, only about 24 hours of a sensation of "pressure."I have since discussed this with a couple of dentists and have been told that most of the rumors of extreme pain with root canals is exaggeration.

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Q: How do you determine that a tooth needs a root canal?
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An endodontist

What are consequences of getting your root canal therapy?

If your tooth needs a root canal and is not painful, then it must be a dead tooth. When a tooth is dead, it is a source of infection which is not good. It is possible that it could hurt in the future due to infection. Better to have the root canal done, because you're trying to save your tooth. If you don't have the root canal treatment done and your tooth continues to decay, the dentist might have to pull that tooth out in the future. Once you pull out your tooth, that's gone forever

Does a root canal increase the chances of losing a tooth?

No . . . the root canal procedure is intended to save the tooth.

What is d3330 root canal therapy?

that is a root canal of a molar tooth. Meaning the dentist is removing the nerve and pulp of the tooth.

What is the difference between a dental post and dental build up?

A dental post is necessary when a root canal procedure has been done on a tooth that requires a crown. A build up is done on a tooth that needs a crown and has not had a root canal.

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Is replacing bonded tooth with a crown necessary to prevent root canal?

How do you get rid of tooth roots?

root canal

Why did your dentist give you penicillin for your tooth that needs a root canal if he saw no infection?

To prevent any infection that may occur.

Do dentists remove the root of a tooth when a root canal is performed?

Yes, They do remove it. The reason for getting a tooth treated with the root canal treatment is because of the cavity of the teeth which has reached its root level and has started causing pain. Hence it is removed and treatment is completed by covering the infected tooth with the crown.

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Can you get dry socket from a root canal?

No. By definition, a 'dry socket' is a painful condition that occurs following a tooth extraction, not a root canal. That is not to say that you cannot have pain following a root canal. You can, particularly if the tooth was acutely infected at the time of the root canal, or if the root canal is incomplete. You should consult with the dentist who performed the procedure and follow his/her recommendations.

What if you hada root canal butt you still have a lot of pain?

what could have happened is that the root canal was not done properly, or the tooth was so damaged that the root canal did not work. In this event, the tooth may have to be pulled (its what happened to me about a week ago)