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If you want to take care of tadpoles you want to put them in a dechlorinated water tank. Then put some of the plants that was in the body of water you found the tadpoles in and put them in the tank. To feed them boil some lettuce and put the lettuce in the water. Then clean the water EVERY DAY. This is very important. They produce a lot of waste so you need to clean the tank every day. Then, if you keep following these steps your tadpole will eventually turn into a frog

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13y ago
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12y ago

I have my own.I got them yesterday.they are very plesent pets.if you need help go to info@wildcreations.coM . All you have to do is feed them 2 fish pellets twice a week and every 3months you need to scoop 3/4 of the water and replace with natrurel sping me if you need more. caldwellrosemary71@gmail

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14y ago

Xenopus laevis (african clawed frogs)have unusualy small eyes and poor vision. Instead of seeing there food they feel it with their finger tips. They use their hands as scoops. They scoop their food towards them with their hands. Sinces their food is the same size of the pebbles in a fish tank so we dont recommend putting pebbels in your frog container because your frog may mistake it for food. When cleaning your frog container, only remove 50% of the water and only add 50% of "aged water". Replacing all of the water can stress out your frog and kill it. Also when your cleaning your African Clawed Frog's container, place your frog in another container in some aged water. Use a large fish net or gently grasp the frog around their abdomen to move your frog.

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11y ago

judging by what my frogs did i would suggest leave them alone and let them do their thing if they don't hatch in a month take a net and clean them out of the water maybe your frogs will decide to have more baby's

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12y ago

You really can't pet them. You might be able to pet them but because they only live in water, it can be hard. They are also really small. They dart away fast if you move your hand towards them.

My african dwaft frog comes to my finger but i think he thinks its food.

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10y ago

African dwarf frogs do not require large tanks, one gallon per frog is usually the guide. Filters are not required, as they produce very little waste, but a heater is a good idea, between 72-80 f. Feed them little bits of bloodworms, frozen live, or freezedried. Freezedried floats to the top so wet your fingers and mush some into a soggy block so it falls to the bottom. They usually don't hunt alot, so unless the food is infront of their face, they'll starve to death. I have two in my 10 gallon tropical tank and I feed them bloodworms and compressed shrimp pellets. Good luck!

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