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you have to stand there for about 10-20 minutes without moving or drawing out a weapon.

No actually in the chat bar put a slash the one under the question mark then put afk and press enter and you are afk

U stand in the same spot without moving or drawing a weapon for bout 15 min. U can talk while ur AFK.

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Q: How do you become AFK in Pirates online?
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What is afk in dota?

AFK in online gaming stands for Away From Keyboard. The meaning is self-explanatory: if you leave your computer or console without disconnecting from the game, you are AFK.

What are some cammands in pirates online?

All these have to be done with your weapon NOT in your hand. /sleep /afk /yawn /shake /moo /dance /jig /yes /no /flex /stretch Those are just the ones I've memorized. There are many more.

What does AFK mean in text messaging?

AFK stands for Away From Keyboard. This means you are still in the game or conversation online, but are doing other things or not actually at the computer or messaging device.

What is afk for pirats online?

It stands for away from keyboard and will show other players that you are not currently at your keyboard. It will not change any of the gameplay so other people can still attack you even if your status is set to afk. To enter aft status in the chat box type /afk.

How do you afk on zwinky?

//afk and it makes u sleep =]

How do you become a founder in Pirates of the Caribbean online?

You have to be one of the first people to play that game

How do you be an afk in AQWorlds without membership?

just type /afk

What is an afk bot?

An "AFK Bot" is a computer-controlled player in an internet game. (AFK Stands for "Away From Keyboard").

How do you afk script in dragonrealms?

AFK scripting is against DragonRealms policy.

Can you get pirates online on a disk?

No. You have to go to the online site (Pirates Of The Carribean Online). You Cannot buy a disk for pirates online. Hoped this helped!

What is the internet slang for afk?

AFK is slang already. It stands for Away From Keyboard.