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relationships should never be about control they should be about give and take, sharing your ideas wants and beliefs. If you are like that then there is no need for control. A need to control in a relationship has some under lying issues and should be spoken about with councilor.

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16y ago

Most of us should be in control of our lives to a point, but never used to be cruel, hurt someone or take away their dignity. If a person is totally controlling around others or even their mate then it's like a Dictatorship. Controlling too strongly is a form of mental abuse. People who are verbally abusive to their mate are unhappy in themselves and tend to blame the world for their mishaps and they take it out on their mates. Forms of this are: Segregating their mate from their family and friends; not allowing their mate to go out alone with friends; even timing them to the time it takes to do an errand until they get home. Calling their mate disgusting names; swearing or telling their mate they are poor at what they do. If you just want to gain control in your life so you're not pushed around then here are some tips: * Be kind and caring to others, but if they take advantage of this good side of you learn to communicate well with the person and let them know how you feel. * Know right from wrong and stand up for the things you know are very wrong, can hurt others and do it at any cost. If you ignore it you are part of it. Example: A coworker or student has been falsely accused of something and you can prove it's not true, then it's up to you to come forward even though some coworkers or classmates may jeer or refuse to speak to you. Learn to stand on your own two feet. * Be responsible for your own actions and if you are wrong learn to admit you are wrong. If you didn't intentionally mean to hurt someone then apologize. Most of the time the person you unintentionally hurt will accept the apology, but some don't, so move on. * Learn to be your own person and don't 'run with the pack' because it makes you popular. Make your OWN decisions. * Learn to love yourself and be your own best friend. * Learn to share with others and even volunteer. This teaches you that there shouldn't be a price tag on everything a person does. * Choose a faith you believe in and you'll never feel alone.

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