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Orthodox denominations generally preserve the concept of a human messiah, whereas most Reform and some Conservative Jews regard the messiah as a symbol for a time of peace in the future.

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Q: How do the sects of judaism different on the concept of the messiah?
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What are Judaism's different sects?

There are three sects of Judaism: Orthodox, Conservative and Reform.

How did the Jewish sects come about?

There has virtually never been a time in Jewish history where there were no differing sects of Judaism. Sects come about as the result of different interpretations of the Torah and Talmud.

If there are 3 forms of Judaism were do the other sects come from?

There are not three sects of Judaism. It is just that three movements of Judaism: Orthodoxy, Conservatism, and Reform are the most dominant movements in Judaism. The others merely command fewer followers.

What are the religious division's of judaism?

Basically there are 3 sects; Orthodox, Reform and Conservative. Additionally, within those sects there are also Re-constructionist Judaism and Jewish Renewal.

What are the differences between Judaism and Christian view of jesus as the messiah?

Jewish concept: The word 'messiah' is the anglicisation of the Hebrew 'moshiach'. The literal meaning of 'moshiach' is 'anointed' and is a title given to any person who was properly anointed with oil as part of their initiation to serving HaShem (The Creator), examples of moshiachim (pl) are kings, priests, and prophets. There is absolutely nothing supernatural about a moshiach. Jesus plays no role in and is of no iterest to Judaism. Christian concept: The Christian concept of messiah is that of a saviour who will save all of humanity's souls from sin. Christianity teaches that the messiah is "the Word made Flesh".

Is there a second passover SEDER?

Yes, for most sects of Judaism.

Are the two world religions that emphasize proselytizing Christianity and Judaism?

No. Most sects of Christianity do proselytize, but not all. Almost no sects of Judaism proselytize. Most sects of Islam, including controversial sects like the Nation of Islam and Ahmadiyya, proselytize, some sects of Hinduism also proselytize, and in Asia, several sects of Buddhism actively proselytize.

What is the same between Christanity and Judaism?

Considering that Christianity was based on the rejection of Judaism, the two religions don't have much in common. The closest similarity is that the Christian Old Testament is based on the Tanach (Jewish Bible), however, the Christian OT was altered to support the teachings of Christianity. Both modern religions developed from several different sects of Jewish Temple Religion in response to the Roman destruction of the Temple. They were already widely separated in theology long before this though: the sects that became Christianity believed that the prophesied messiah had come, the sects that became Judaism varied from believing that the messiah had yet to come to there was no messiah at all. There were also many other Jewish religious sects at the same time that have long since disappeared. The original Christian OT was the Greek Septuagint translation (which was also used by Greek speaking Jews of the time). The text of the Septuagint does more closely agree with Christian theology than the modern Masoretic Hebrew text does (But was translated long before Christianity began). Oddly enough most modern Christian bible translations choose to translate their OT from the Masoretic text not the Septuagint, so the OT that most Christians read today agrees more with the theology of Judaism than with Christianity.

What are the different sects of Hinduism?

i think there are no sects

The three primary religions or religious sects in Europe are?

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Does Judaism have only one sect?

No, there are many sects. Mystic, traditional etc.

What were the three sects of judaism?

Judaism is divided into Sephardim & Ashkenaz. Ashkenaz are divided into Orthodox, Conservative, & Reform. A forth sect is called Reconstructionist.