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erosion and plate tectonics

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Q: How do plutons become visible at earths surface if they are formed underground?
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How do gamma rays at the core become visible light at the surface?

the amplitude of the radiation drops as it moves to the surface, hey wait is this == 15.5 unit test?

How does visible cause earth surface to become warmer?

Visible light is an insignificant portion of the solar radiation that warms the Earth. The sun's infrared radiation, also known as 'heat', is responsible for virtually all of it.

When do chromosome become visible in cell?

Chromosones become visible during prophase.

How does visible light cause earths surface to become warmer?

Visible light is an insignificant portion of the solar radiation that warms the Earth. The sun's infrared radiation, also known as 'heat', is responsible for virtually all of it.

Will Kilauea ever become a batholith?

No. A volcano cannot become a batholith. A batholith is a mass of rock that forms from magma solidifying underground. Kilauea is a volcano built up from lava that has cooled on the surface.

Which phase do chromosomes first become visible?

Interphase as they become decondenced

When are Chromosomes not visible?

In interphase the chromosomes are not yet visible but become visible in prophase

Why is that igneous rock must always become sedimentary rock?

It doesn't have to. Most rocks exposed at the surface will erode and become sedimentary, but igneous rock that is underground can be remelted and become another igneous rock, or can become metamorphic.

What age do skull sutures become not visible?

They should stay visible.

When does a chromosome first become visible in mitosis?

During the Prophase. :)Chromosomes become highly condensed.They are visible to light microscope,not naked eye

What phase do chromosomes become less visible?

Interphase as they become decondenced

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