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The killer whale will hunt the shark by swimming under it and forcing it to the surface. It then attacks by ramming or hitting the shark with its tail. Once the shark has been flipped upside down, which temporarily paralyzes it, the killer whale will use its teeth to eat the shark.

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Q: How do killer whales eat sharks?
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Killer whales and sharks eat dolphins. Sharks eat killer whales. Killer whales eat tiger sharks. Killer whales eat nurse sharks too. They eat and attack anything they see. Any types of sharks.?

KIller Whales do not attack sharks and they do not attack anything that they see. Killer Whales only eat small sharks and fish because No creatures are mindless killers there is always a reason

What kinds of sharks eat whales?

Killer whales, and maybe Humpbacks. Killer whales, definitely

What animal eats the dolphins?

sharks do feed off of dolphins and so do killer whales but a killer whale is a species of dolphin. If we are talking about killer whales the killer whale is an apex predator and eats sharks !

What whales and sharks eat?

a killer whale .

What kinds of sharks do killer whales eat?

Killer whales have developed a taste for sharks liver. They will actively hunt, kill and eat great white sharks.

What kind of Sharks Eat Killer Whales?

Killer Whales eat Great White Sharks. Nothing eats Killer Whales unless they are already dead from natural causes then everything is free to take a bite.

Do hammer head sharks eat killer whale?

No they do not. Killer whales are much too large to be eaten by a hammer head shark.

What wins a killer whale or shark?

A killer whales do eat sharks. A killer whale can be twice as big as a great white alone and no shark can stand in their way when they are hungry

Do killer whales eat big sharks?

No, but Naggers do. no

Do killer whales eat bull sharks?


What eats a spinner dolphin?

Sharks, killer whales, pygmy killer whales, and pilot whales eat spinner dolphins.

Do killer whales eat nurse sharks?

Not eat but, just kill