

How do hidden viruses multiply?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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14y ago

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1. A virus attaches to a bacterium.

2. The virus injects its genetic material.

3. The genetic material of the virus combines with the bacterium's genetic material.

4. The virus's genetic material detaches from the bacterium's genetic material and the bacterium produces the virus's proteins and genetic material.

5. New viruses assemble.

6. The bacterium bursts open, releasing new viruses.

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14y ago

Each time a host cell divides, the virus's genetic material is copied along with the host's genetic material. Then, under certain conditions, the virus's genetics material suddenly becomes active. It takes over the cell's functions in much the same way that active viruses do. Soon, the cell is full of new viruses and bursts open.

~I knew this and I am 12 years old~

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The easiest way to understand how viruses replicate is to study the life cycles of viruses called bacteriophages (bacteria eaters). Bacteriophages replicate by either a lytic cycle or a lysogenic cycle. The difference in these two cycles is that the cell dies at the end of the lytic cycle or the cell remains in the lysogenic cycle. The virus remains "hidden".

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