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Q: How do get the helicopter from the dude and use the helicopter to get the Frisbee?
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How do you get the frisbee in wimpy board walk poptropica?

you have to beat all the games and give the jumbo prize to the kid with the helicopter and use the helicopter

How do you get the frisbee down on wimpy boardwalk?

You have to find tokens and then you have to play and win at every single game in the boardwalk and then u get the grand prize and you go left until you see the guy flying the helicopter and then you trade with him and you take the helicopter and fly it and then you will get the frisbee down.

How do you get off of Super Villain Island on poptropica?

First, you get out of the prison building. Then, you go to your items and use the walkie talkie to call up the helicopter dude.

How do you get the frisbee on wimpy bardwalk?

well,you have to get that jumbo prize by winning all of the games.then there is a boy at the boardwalk rides that has a helicopter and he is willing to trade.

How do you you get a police helicopter with a cheat device?

hi dude I can help you just type safety chopper

What are other names of frisbee?

Other names for the frisbee include, "bee" and "disc".

How do you get the helicopter to land on poptropica?

get the pizza delivered to the dude in the hotel then he will give you something. put that on the postcard and mail it in.

Can you use frisbee as a word?

Yes you can it is an accepted word

What is Frisbee in French?

"Frisbee" is Frisbee in French because Frisbee is a trademark name.

How do you defeat the helicopter in the ice planet?

Use your shied to hit the helicopter

How do you steer a helicopter in roblox?

Usually you would have to use a helicopter tool

What did William Frisbie use to make a frisbee?

His pie tins