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Codfish eat herring and lobster
polar cod feed on plankton and krill.

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Gills to breathe underwater

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Q: How do the antarctic cod survive the waters of antarctica?
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Where do you find antarctic cod?

in Antarctica.

Why is the killer whale on top of the Antarctic food chain?

Because the orca has no predators in Antarctic waters. The Antarctic cod provide excellent food for them, as do penguins, other birds and seals.

What is one interesting fact about the Antarctic Cod?

what is a cool fact about antarctic cod

How do Antarctic Cod reproduce?

Like all fish, Antarctic Cod lay eggs that are then fertilized, and hatch.

What is an Antarctic fish?

Antarctic cod, mackerel icefish, and Antarctic toothfish are three species of fish having certain properties of 'antifreeze' proteins contained in their blood that enable them to survive in temperature where 'normal' tissues would freeze.

What eats antarctic cod?

Antarctic cod are often eaten by seals and orcas. These fish are also called the Antarctic toothfish and are eaten primarily by people.

What special substance help Antarctic Cod live in -19c?

Antarctic Cod, properly named Antarctic Toothfish, are sea animals with special adaptations to polar cold water. The Southern Ocean can remain liquid to about 27 degrees F, or -2 degrees C, based on high mineral content. At -19 degrees C, water is frozen and contains no life. From the Toothfish Wikipedia entry: "The Antarctic toothfish is noteworthy, like most other Antarctic notothenioids, for producing antifreeze glycoproteins. . .. The presence of antifreeze glycroproteins allows [these animals] to thrive in sub-zero waters of the Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica."

Is the Antarctic cod endangered?

Not extinct

How does the Antarctic cod get its food?

in the sea

What kind of fish are there in antarctica?

Most of the fish in Antarctica belong to the Notothenioidea group. There are four types of fish in this group including the Antarctic cod, the Dragon fish, the Plunder fish, and the Ice fish. Out of these four, the Ice fish is the most unusual because of how it has evolved to survive in the harsh, icy waters of the Antarctic. This cold blooded fish lacks haemoglobin, the red pigment found in blood which transports oxygen throughout the body. Instead, the oxygen is carried in the plasma. The absence of haemoglobin in its blood allows the Ice fish to produce more glycoprotein, a chemical which acts as a type of anti-freeze in the fish's blood, preventing them from freezing. Other fish in the Antarctic include the eel-pout, tooth fish, and snail-fish.

What does the Antarctic cod weigh?

+ 135 kg

How big is an Antarctic Cod?

Antarctic cod is a misnomer for the Antarctic toothfish, the top predator in the Southern Ocean.From the Wikipedia entry:"Antarctic toothfish, Dissostichus mawsoni, can grow in excess of two metres in length and more than 150 kg in mass."