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Camels drink lots of water and then can go without days with it. They feed on the desert grasses and cacti that live in the desert. The cacti and grass can survive, because of a waxy mixture on them, and when it does rain, they savour the water like camels. They are also the type of plant that is adjusted to live in the desert.

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Q: How do camels and cactus live in the deserts?
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To feed camels. Camels eat cactus.

What do camel eat at the dessert?

Camels eat cactus and other plants grown in deserts. Their thick lips do not allow the thorns to prick them.

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There are a number of species of barrel cactus that live in the deserts of North America.

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h ot of course because they live in desert

What animlas di live in the hot deserts?

Scorpions, armadillo lizards, thorny devil lizards and camels can live in hot deserts. They have adapted to the climate there