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SQ01 : Environment --> Languqgue comparison Put source and target language to be translated.

Choose 'Query' and put your query name with appropriate user group and press change button.

Click on the text you want to translate and press F2.

Translate it and save. Good luck.


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Is a query language procedural language?

isA query language is a procedural language.

Is a query language a procedural language?

isA query language is a procedural language.

What is the difference between a query and a report?

A query (inquiry) is seeking information. A report provides information.

When you run a query that contains a field Access evaluates the expression defined by the field and displays the resulting value in the query datasheet form or report?

a query can output to a form and a report. The norm is a report

Can SQL be considered as a QUERY language?

The 'Q' and the 'L' in SQL standard for the words 'Query' and 'Language'. So yes. SQL can be considered a query language.

What do mean by query language and its needs?

Query Language is way for communicating from the database. It work as a interface between user and the Database. its not possible to generate a result from database without query language. Query language helps us to communicate with database.

Difference between query studio and report studio?

Query studio is a subset (in feature) of Report Studio. It is manily used for Ad-hoc queries. But report studio used for complex and fancy report development.

Which query language will use in MS Access to maintain database?

It uses a version of SQL. (Structured Query Language).

A query language is an example of?

Any thing that has to do with database is a query lanquage. As in query the data to retrieve whatever you are looking for.

What is an example of a standard query language used in relational databases?

The standard query language for relational databases, as adopted by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), is SQL, which is generally understood to be an abbreviation for "structured query language."

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What is the difference between QBE and SQL?

Query by Example (QBE) is a database query language for relational databases. A QBE parser parses the search query and looks for the keywords. A more formal query string, in languages such as SQL, is then generated, which is finally executed. However, when compared with a formal query, the results in the QBE system will be more variable.SQL (Structured Query Language) SQL is a set-based, declarative query language, not an imperative language such as C or BASIC. However, there are extensions to Standard SQL which add procedural programming language functionality, such as control-of-flow constructs