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Because Adolf Hitler was talking over all of country all over the world.

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Q: How did the horrors of World War 1 lead to World War 2?
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What was the name of the painting which showed the horrors of World War 1?

The Guernica.

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the U.S.

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The soldiers wernt prepared for the war because they didnt have Black Ops

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Soldiers in WW1 were shell-shocked because of the horrors of war that they saw in which their brains never truly recovered from

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It was World War 1. They Didn't Have A Take In World War 2.

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Did Adolf Hitler lead Germany during World War 1?

No, he was elected later, after World War I.

Who lead the US in World War 1?

Woodrow Wilson

Who lead the US into World War 1?

Woodrow Wilson .

Which country was spared the horrors of World War 1 in its homeland?

United States. Instead, most of the fighting was out in Belgium and France.

Which of these is a literary and cultural movement that began in part due to the terrible destruction and horrors of World War 1?

Modernism cheaters :)