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Your mom is a rosetta stone of life

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Q: How did the Rosetta stone effect the Egyptian people?
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When was the Egyptian Rosetta stone made?

The Rosetta Stone was made in 1799.

What is the name of the slab of rock discovered in 1799 with Egyptian hieroglyphics?

The Rosetta Stone.

What is Rosetta stone in Egypt?

the Rosetta Stone is a large stone with Egyptian hieroglyphics written on it. bobbywahl made this answer

Use Rosetta stone in a sentence?

The Rosetta Stone was helped to find out the meaning and the words of the Egyptian Hieroglyphics!

What impact did the Rosetta Stone have on the civilization?

The Rosetta Stone let archaeologists understand, read and find out about Ancient Egyptian Civilizations. The Rosetta Stone had hieroglyphics written on it.

Did the Rosetta Stone allow scholars to understand cuneiform?

No. The Rosetta Stone allowed scholars to understand Egyptian Hieroglyphics.

Was the Moabite Stone discovered in Napoleon's Egyptian campaign?

No, it was the Rosetta stone

Why is the Rosetta Stone so famous?

The Rosetta Stone was found by Napoleon's troops in Egypt during his campaigns there. It is famous because it had a text written on it that was written in Old Egyptian, New Egyptian and Greek. Before the Rosetta Stone, archaeologists had no way to figure out what what Old Egyptian hieroglyphs meant. With the Rosetta Stone, since they already knew Greek and New Egyptian, they could finally decipher the hieroglyphs.

Was the Rosetta stone written in greek and Egyptian?


Are there any Egyptian artifacts?

yes there is the Rosetta stone

What were the languages found on the Rosetta Stone?

Greek and Egyptian.

Where you can find the real Rosetta stone?

The real Rosetta Stone can be found in the British Museum. The Rosetta Stone was created in 196 BC and was inscribed with a decree. The languages inscribed are in Greek and Egyptian.