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Answer 1

They didn't. The Jordan River is on the eastern border of Israel. The Ancient Hebrews entered from the South, through the desert.

(Unless you are talking about Abraham's family, in which case, they did come from the East, but the Torah doesn't mention anything about how they crossed the river).

Answer 2

Although the Israelites entered what is today Israel through the Negev desert, they actually crossed into what is today Jordan and then crossed over the Jordan from the east. (This is the "long-way 'round".) This is recounted in the early part of the Book of Joshua and they crossed on dry land, similar to the crossing of the Reed Sea.

As concerns Abraham's entry into Canaan, it is presumed that he entered Canaan via Lebanon and therefore would have been consistently west of the Jordan River.

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Q: How did the Hebrews cross the Jordan into Canaan?
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Was the Jordan river the body of water that the Hebrews had to cross to enter Canaan?

Abraham possibly crossed the Jordan, but the Hebrews coming out of Egypt would have entered Israel through the South (the Jordan is on east Coast).Answer:Yes, the Israelites crossed the Jordan (Joshua ch.3-4).

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