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They use mud bricks or else just normal stones that were unusually big or just rocks put together with mud

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Q: How did medieval builders build walls?
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What did medieval builders build walls and arches of and how were they designed?

they were skilled and made it straight.

Do builders use angles in their work place?

yes they do so they can build the roof and walls and wat ever else

Where medieval builders skilful?

yes they were

Were medieval builders skilful?


What do stonemason build?

The medieval stonemasons built large structures like Gothic cathedrals, churches, castles, etc. out of stone. Modern stonemasons build stone walls and decorate the outside of floors, walls, etc. with stone.

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How were medieval builders skilful?

i dont no u should no

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Nothing, Architects design, builders build!!!

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Builders look for people that want to build or renovate their house.

When did they build medieval castles?

Medieval times