

Best Answer

King Menes unified upper and lower Egypt by leading his army north into lower egypt, wearing the double crown. And in case you need to know, he unified them in EXACTLY 3150 B.C. NOT 3100 B.C. It's 3150 B.C. EXACT! It's in my social studies book.

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Q: How did king Menes unifiy the upper and lower Egypt?
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Who united the upper and lower Egypt?

King Menes united upper and lower Egypt

How did Menes achieve to rule upper and lower Egypt?

Menes was a pharaoh of Upper and Lower Egypt

Who first united upper and lower Egypt?

Menes is the King who united Upper and Lower Egypt.

Why were the crowns of upper and lower Egypt combined?

The crowns of upper and lower Egypt were combined because King Menes combinded upper and lower Egypt. He decidd to combine upper and lower Egypt and the crowns.

When did king Menes unit upper and lower Egypt?

3100 b.C

Did king Menes fight for lower Egypt?

King Menes did fight for Lower Egypt. He is the one who unified and ruled Upper and Lower Egypt.

How did Menes Unite Upper and Lower Egypt?

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Did Ahmose combine upper and lower Egypt?

No. King Narmer (Menes) united Upper and Lower Egypt

The man who first united upper and lower Egypt around300bc?


What date was upper Egypt and Lower Egypt joined together?

Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt were united together by Pharaoh Menes in 3100bc. Hope that's helped.Was accomplished by king Menes.

Did Menes come from upper or Lower Egypt?

Upper Egypt and wanted to unify Upper and Lower Egypt so he wore a double crown.

What did king menes unite?

Upper and Lower Egypt.