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Mali had much more advanced weapons.

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Q: How did Mali take over Ghana?
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Who started the mali civilization?

sundiata (took over Ghana to become mali

How did molly over power Ghana?

its mali, not molly

What empires came after Ghana?

The people of great empire called Mali took over Ghana during the 13th century. end of the 13th century kingdom of Ghana was replaced by Mali

What continent is Ghana and mali?

Ghana and Mali are on the continent of Africa.

Why was the trade crucial to the survival of Ghana Mali and Songhai?

trade was crucial to the survival of Ghana Mali and songhai because they needed tax and other goods to take are of their teritory.

Who started the civilization?

sundiata (took over Ghana to become Mali

Why was the trade crucial to the survival of Ghana Mali Songhai?

trade was crucial to the survival of Ghana Mali and songhai because they needed tax and other goods to take are of their teritory.

Why did mali and Ghana come to the new word?

Why did Ghana and Mali come to the New World?

What part of Africa were Ghana and Mali located?

Ghana and Mali were located in west Africa.

Who was the great warrior king of Ghana that took over Mali?

Sundiata Keita

How did Timbuktu in Mali become an Islamaic cultural center?

when Mali took power over Ghana Timbuktu Mali major city, became a cultural center

What three large African kingdoms south of the Sahara flourished between 300 and 1600?

Ghana, Mali, Songhai