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He did it mainly through his skill as a public speaker since he was very good at rousing people up when he gave speeches.

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Because humans are highly vulnerable to indoctrination and manipulation. Every human. Even you!

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He was charismatic and used antisemitism which was common in 1930's Germany to persuade people to his way of thinking

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11y ago

by having a Propaganda, using media and other things. he was so manipulative that all of the SS officers that actually killed the people were basically brain washed.

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with his hitler stache and his swag

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Q: How did Hitler persuade people to follow his beliefs?
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What talent did Hitler have helped him persuade people to follow him?

Public Speaking and Persuasion

Hitler gained the chancellorship in Germany because of skills as an orator and ability to persuade the people. Do you agree?

You could say that his ability as an orator had a lot to do with why people were willing to follow him.

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because he was a brilliant speaker and could persuade people

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the power to persuade is a important skill a great leader has to have for example one of the best leaders in history, you can argue with me, was Adolf Hitler and one skill he had was the ability to persuade the German people.

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Japanese people often do believe in religion. A majority of Japanese people follow the beliefs of Buddhism and Shintoism. In the modern days there are many that follow the Christian beliefs.

What where Adolf Hitler's beliefs about German people?

He believed Germans were a Master race and it was their destiny to conquer the world

Why were the people in Germany so eager to follow Hitler?

Because he was a f*cking Boss!

Hitler as a public speaker?

Hitler was an excellent public speaker, which was a main reason why he got so many people to follow him.

How do you persuade people to come to Islam?

With kindness and gentlesness, in the best way, never ridiculing their beliefs. Only God can grant faith, we just advise and remind

What did Hitler use propaganda for?

He used it to persuade the Germans that he was justified in going to war. He used it to improve the moral of his people. He also used it to portray the allied powers as being out to get the Germans, thus the Germans were easier to manipulate by Hitler and his Nazis.

Why and how do Christians follow their beliefs?

The question is far too broad for a complete answer. Suffice it to say that Christians are people and as such some strictly follow, others mostly follow, while some few barely follow, and some never follow their beliefs. The 'how' part is just as variable.