

How did Hitler carry out his final solution?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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He sent millions of people to concentration and extermination camps where they were either worked to death or were killed in gas chambers.

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Q: How did Hitler carry out his final solution?
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In 1942 Adolf Hitler began to carry out his final solution''the killing of Jewish people this became known as?

He called it the final solution or "the holocaust"

What actions did the Nazis take to carry out Hitler's ''final solution''?

They built and equipped death camps.

What was Hitler's final solution and what agency was to carry it out?

Hitlers Final Solution was a plan to kill all jews. Every one who supported Nazis carried it out, from special forces to civilians.

What part did Hitler play in the Final Solution?

Hitler was the one who ordered the final solution, being that all Jews be killed.

What was Hitler's final solution that he put into action?

The Final Solution was the plan to eliminate Europe's Jews.

Hitler's plan to exterminated all Jews?

Was called the final solution.

What was Hitler's name for the Holocaust?

One name Hitler had for it was "The Final Solution".

What was Hitler's Final Solution for the Jews?

The holocaust.

Hitler's plan was known as the?

Final solution

Who issued the final solution?

Adolf Hitler did.

What was Hitler's final solution To be?

Hitler planned and executed an operation to exterminate (murder) the Jews in Europe.

What did Hitler call his program for dealing with Jewish people by sending them to death camps?

The Final Solution (of the Jewish question).