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It could not have, it was a surprise attack

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Q: How could you have pervented world war 2 from starting?
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No - Hitler was blamed for starting the war.

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Is it be possible that World War 2 could eventually lead to a World War 3?

It may have been considered possible once, as the close of World War 2 did lead to the Cold War, which very nearlly turned into a Nuclear war. However it can be said that any Nuclear war could have it's roots in World war 2 as the Nuclear weapon has it's roots in World war 2. Also if a Asian Communist nation was to start World war 3then that could be traced back to the Cold war and that in itself could be traced back to World war 2. It's all just a matter of perspective, for example; many causes of World war 2 have their roots in World war 1 so any war that could be traced back to the Cold war could then be blamed on events of World war 2 and in turn could be linked to the outcome of World war 1. So their is no yes or no answer as it really depends on how you look at it.

Italian World War 2 beachhead starting with A?


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You can try empire

Was Austria to blame for starting World War 1?


What two countries are given credit for starting World War 1?

Germany and Austria-Hungary are given credit for starting World War I, when in reality Austria-Hungary and Serbia started it.

Was Hitler responsible for World War I?

No, Hitler didn't have much to do with starting World War 1, Word War 2 is another matter though.

What was the treaty that ended world war 1 and blame Germany for starting the war?

Treaty of Versailles

Where year did world war 2 happen?

In 1939 Germany invaded Poland, starting the war.

What was the main reason for World War I starting?

the main reason for World War 1 starting is tensions between the major countries of Europe(Britain,France,Russia,Germany and Austria-Hungary)

Did World War 2 begin because of the Holocaust?

No. In 1939, Germany and the Soviet Union attacked Poland -- starting the world war.