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We can convert the solar energy into electricity. This will mean we can stop burning coal, oil, natural gas that we use now to generate electricity. So no more carbon dioxide will be added to the atmosphere and global warming will be averted. But we have to start yesterday!

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Q: How could solar energy be used for the welfare of humankind?
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What is solar energy history of the energy source?

The history of solar energy is as old as humankind in the last centuries.

What quiestions are there about solar energy?

A question about solar energy could be: what is solar energy?: what does solar energy do?:does solar energy do anything for the earth/planet?

How could solar energy source be used?

You can use solar energy to power your house. You will need to get solar panels to convert solar energy to usable energy.

How would you replace solar energy if it ran out?

we could not. if the sun ran out of light, or solar energy we could not renew it. but I don't think that the sun will run out of solar energy.

What do solar energy look like?

with human eyes you could not see it even if you could see it. solar energy travels in waves just like sound.

What do many modern buildings have on their roofs to trap solar energy?

Well... Could it be a Solar panel?

Is solar energy a renewable energy?

some people say it isnt if its the sun, so if u mean the the sun then no, it is not renewable. solar energy itself, you PROBABLY could...

What energy source could you use on mars?

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What are the alternative sources you could use to provide energy?

There are many ways in which energy can be obtained, some of these sources could be: Solar Wind hydroelectric solar agricultural geothermal tidal nuclear :)

I have energy. Who has a device that converts radiant energy into electrical energy?

You could be a Solar electrical panel made up of many solar cells converting our Sun's radiant light energy into electricity.

What do people need to do so solar energy gets used more often?

Solar energy could be used by more people if electronic devices that a lot of households use- like computers, TV's, iPods, radios, etc.- require to be used by solar energy. A really great way that people could use more solar energy is if more cars use solar power. If some people go around showing people the great ways that solar energy can save the Earth, it might also have more people use solar energy. solar energy can also be used for things in plug sockets.

Where could a person find the facts about the benefits of solar energy?

One can find more information about the benefits of solar energy from the following online sources: "Green Living", "Exploring Green Technology", "Energy Saving Trust", "Modern Solar", "Viva Solar", "Power Sources Solar", "Renewable Energy Dev", "Solar Power Planetville", to name a few.