

How copper is used in everyday?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Old coins were made from copper.

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Q: How copper is used in everyday?
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Related questions

Where is copper found in everyday objects?

Copper is found in a wide variety of everyday objects. It is commonly used in electrical wiring, plumbing pipes, and roofing materials due to its excellent conductivity and resistance to corrosion. Additionally, copper can be found in household appliances, automotive components, and even in small decorative items.

How do you care for copper?

just check it everyday and see if its healhy

What are important facts about copper?

AnswerCopper was used by the ancients to forge weapons and tolls of everyday life it can be used to make bronze a stronger version of copper it is now used for heating and electrical equipment

Where can you find copper on HorseIsle version 2?

I am not sure if there is any places in caves where copper can be found. But one way to get it would be to have a ranch and put a copper mine on it for 20,000. This will produce 30 copper nuggets everyday.

Why is Cu used for copper?

Cu is used for copper as it is an abbreviation of the Latin word for copper, which is Cuprum.

Who first used copper?

your mom first used copper

What are some everyday items that contain copper?

Pennies (copper-plated zinc), objects made of brass (brass is an alloy of copper and zinc), and wires and cables that carry electricity and/or electronic signals.

What is facts about copper?

Copper is the element named under CU on the periodic table it is a good cunductor of electricity : . It has 29 disitinct isotopes in atomic mass. . it can be found as a native copper . . copper is comonly* encountered in everyday life. Commonly *

Can hydrogen be used everyday?

Hydrogen is always used, so yes, it can be used everyday.

Why can iron be used used to get copper from copper sulfate solution?

Iron is more reactive than copper

Why can iron be used to get copper from copper sulfate?

Iron can be used to get copper from Copper Sulfate because it is more reactive than Copper (higher up in the reactivity series).

What is copper 67 used for?

Copper-67 is used to treat cancers.