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It depends on the type of chemotherapy. My son was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. His protocol called for several different chemo drugs to be administered intravenously. He also takes two types of chemo drugs in a pill form.

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13y ago

Curative chemotherapy usually requires multiple administrations of the chemical agent. Chemotherapy or systemic therapy is administered in the blood and circulates through the entire body. The choice of chemotherapeutic.

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The drugs may either be administered intravenously (through a vein) in the arm or given orally in the form of pills.

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Q: How is chemotherapy administered to a lymphoma patient?
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Patient with MALT lymphoma who do not respond to standard treatment undergo what alternative therapy?

In general, these patients are treated with chemotherapy in a similar manner to patients with other types of lymphoma.

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CHOP is a type of chemotherapy that serves patients affected by non-Hodgkin lymphoma but this type of chemotherapy can also cause Anemia due to the nature of this treatment.

What golfer made a comeback from chemotherapy and radiation treatment for lymphoma in 1994?

Paul Azinger

Can chemotherapy be given to a patient with cirrhosis?

To give a chemotherapy in a patient of cirrhosis is very risky. Treating physician is the best judge in a given patient.

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The decision to treat a patient with prostate cancer with chemotherapy depends on the stage of the cancer. When chemotherapy is used, it is usally in small doses over a long period of time, in order to maximize the effectiveness of the drugs while minimizing negative side effects to the patient. These drugs can be administered through oral pills, or through a machine that injects the medicine into the veins.

How do you use the word lymphoma in a sentence?

When I saw the widened mediastinum on the chest x-ray, I knew lymphoma was a possibility. After initial chemotherapy, she started to prepare for a bone marrow transplant to help fight her lymphoma.

What is Burkitts's Lymphoma and how is it treated?

Burkitt's Lymphoma is a rare and aggressive form of cancer. It can be treated with a specific drug regimen, chemotherapy, surgery, or a bone marrow transplant.

How is chemotherapy administered?

Chemotherapy means the treatment for a disease by using chemicals in the form of medicines..... Those are adminstrited through intravenously

What part of your body is used for IP chemotherapy?

Intraperitoneal (IP) chemotherapy is administered into the abdominal cavity through a catheter or port.

Does chemotherapy affect the level of a PSA prostate test. I had chemotherapy for T cell Lymphoma 4 months ago.?

After getting chemotherapy treatment for your T cell lymphoma 4 months ago, your PSA level should have been really low after your prostate test. It is normal for your PSA levels to fluctuate quite a bit after treatment though.

What are the common treatments for lymphoma?

In most cases, treatment consists of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or a combination of the two methods.

How is malignant lymphoma treated by doctors?

Treatment options for lymphomas depend on the type of lymphoma and its stage. In most cases, treatment consists of chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or a combination of the two.