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Sorry to say, but there would not be any point to file such a lawsuit, since it would not be enforceable, however your not the first to want to file one.

It is one of the most common fights in a divorce situation, ex runs up all the cards and the co-signing spouse does not feel its fair to pay the bill. Sadly and while it is not fair that is the purpose of a co-signer, and the credit agreement you signed clearly indicated that both account members would be equally responsible for the repayment and regardless of the usage or benefit.

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Q: How can you sue a primary account holder if you are the co-signer and the primary account holder has moved out of state Colorado vs Arkansas California and North Carolina?
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Can a cosigner in California take possession of a vehicle if the primary borrower is not making the payments in Georgia?

Only if the cosigner is also named on the vehicle title.

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If there is a cosigner can they take the vehicle if the loan is in good standing in North Carolina?

No, a co-signer has no legal right to a vehicle unless they are on the title.

What are cosigner rights in California?

Unless your name is on the vehicle or you reside in the apartment in which you co-signed, you have no rights in the state of California. If your name is on the car or home, then you can take possession and pay the note.

Can you replace a cosigner for an apartment with another cosigner?

Yes, you can replace a cosigner for an apartment with another cosigner. However, you need to get the consent of the landlord.

What are the benefits of a cosigner?

A cosigner basically is a guarantor for the repayment of a loan or value and serves as cosigner of the debt. If the debtor fails to make payments or defaults, the cosigner is obligated to pay off the debt. No benefits for the cosigner, but cosigner benefits the debtor.

What are the benefits of cosigning?

A cosigner basically is a guarantor for the repayment of a loan or value and serves as cosigner of the debt. If the debtor fails to make payments or defaults, the cosigner is obligated to pay off the debt. No benefits for the cosigner, but cosigner benefits the debtor.

Does a cosigner have to have a job?

No, a cosigner can be retired, or just in good standing with the federal credit bureau. They do not necessarily have to have a job. But the deal with a cosigner is that if the individual they are cosigning for does not pay the bill, the cosigner is responsible for the payment.

If we have bad credit will a cosigner help us get a mortgage?

Yes, a person with bad credit can get a cosigner for a mortgage. The cosigner will have to have excellent credit and must go into the office to sign papers to become a cosigner.

If you are a cosigner in someone's loan for a line of credit and he is at default what can the cosigner do to take his name back?

Nothing. The only option for being remove as a cosigner is to have the original loan refinanced without the cosigner participating.

What makes a legal cosigner?

Capacity and intent of the cosigner to be bound is required.

Can you be sued in case of an accident as cosigner?

No. The only obligation the cosigner has is to the lender.