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put them in the freezer for an hour and then take them out and crack them

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Q: How can you keep a glow stick glowing?
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What makes a glow stick keep its glow?

you dip them in hot water for about 30 seconds. Than your glow sticks should go back to glowing. :-)

How long does it take for a glow stick to stop glowing?

It doesn't stop glowing

What are glow sticks?

Inside a glow stick, there is a liquid chemical, which could be glowing only once.

How can you make the glow stick stop glowing?

If you leave it out, it just turns white instrad of the glowing color.

What happen when you put a glow stick in the freezer?

the glowstick stops glowing

What are inside glow sticks?

Inside a glow stick, there is a liquid chemical, which could be glowing only once.

How come when you threw up your vomit was glowing green?

Did you eat kryptonite or a glow stick?

How does temperature affect the length of time a glow stick glows?

The colder the water is, the longer it stays glowing. The hotter, the shorter.

What part of speech is glowing?

Glowing is the present participle of the verb glow.

What happens when you snap a glow stick to make it glow?

When you snap a glow stick to make it glow, it will glow.

Can you bring a dead glow stick back to life?

You can bring a dead glow stick back to life. Put the dead glow stick in the freezer, leave in there for at least 3 hours, then take the glow stick out and 1) put it in the microwave for 10-15 seconds no more than 25 seconds (may be dangerous) or 2) put them in a glass of hot/warm water until they start glowing again (safe). . You can repeat this process over and over again, but if the glow stick has been dead for 3 or more days then it's too late.

How many syllables are in glowing?

There are two syllables in "glowing."