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This miserable twit is causing your anxiety attacks! You are not happy. Think of this .... are you around him because you feel you need the comfort of company around you. I think you are confusing love with being lonely. Don't sell yourself short. Go and see a psychologist and get treatment for your anxiety attacks. I have suffered from them myself and there are medications to help you with them. You don't need this guy. Don't be afraid. Set up that psychologists appointment, get that settled and then dump this guy or you will have more anxiety attacks. Good luck Marcy Force yourself, even when it seems impossible at first, to develop yourself. Practice yoga, return to school, nurture an old or new friendship, volunteer at an animal shelter, go to the mountains or to the seashore and breathe fresh air. Love and respect yourself first and foremost. Free yourself of a lifestyle of abuse. Without a plan of your own, you will always become part of someone else's plan. Hold your head high. Learn how strong you really are. Become proud of yourself. Invite the universe to bring your way someone spectacular and kind. Allow the pleasure of letting the old narcissist slowly realize you don't want or need him anymore lift you to unexplored levels of self-fulfillment and living life. I was in the same boat as you were, I was miserably in love with a narcissist who treated me like crap!!! I couldn't eat or sleep...I couldn't understand how I could love someone so much who made me feel so terrible!!! I put up with this for two years, and I finally said ENOUGH!!!! I had the strength to let him go, and in time I met a wonderful man who is showing me how I should be treated in a relationship, which makes me even madder at myself for putting up with being in such a terrible relationship with my ex-narcissist! Everyone has their boiling point where they have the strength to walk will have yours as well if he doesn't change.

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Q: How can you ever get free if you had severe anxiety attacks when your narcissist dumped you and you missed him terribly and then took him back and you love him very much?
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Most likely to just irritate you ... He or she couldn't handle the rejection because of their narcissism, so they had to retaliate against you so that they feel they "won" and it was they who dumped you, perhaps. Let it go ... get on with life.

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Doesn't everyone hate being dumped? It would depend on the person I assume. One narcissist would be completely broken after being dumped, because it would be a bullet to their ego, whilst another may think you were just a waste of their time, and it's your fault, not theirs. Everyone is different.

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