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Nuclear radiations especially gamma and X rays are highly penetrating in nature. When they pass through the body of the living organism which knocks out the organic molecules and causes disturbances. This causes death. These radiations cause cancer, leukemia that still don't have a proper cure and gross genetic deformities by damaging genetic codes. The children now being born in Hiroshima and Nagasaki are still born with genetic deformities as radioactive pollution does a long term damage. It poisons the soil and groundwater which reaches us through the food chain, thus killing us.

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What happens when you touch nuclear waste and does it kill you?

i don't know and yes

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The reason it isn't safe to jump in water that is contaminated with nuclear waste material is because it can make you sick or even kill you.

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How do nuclear fuels relate to environmental issues?

Nuclear fuels is not only bad for us, but for the enviornment. Some nuclear plants dump nuclear waste in rivers, oceans, lakes and ponds. This can kill and injure living organisms including us. It is not even good to bury it in the ground. Nuclear waste has to be specially desposed.

Merits and demerits of nuclear energy?

Merits: it is efficient does not produce green house gases Demerits: it produces nuclear waste that can get people badly sick and eventualy kill them if exsposed to it and the waste is realy hard to "dispose" of

Is there nuclear waste in space?

Yes, there is nuclear waste in space.

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nuclear waste

What are the causes of nuclear and toxic waste?

nuclear waste is a by product of nuclear power plants, or in the creation of nuclear weapons.

What does nuclear waste contain?

nuclear waste contains about 90 % of nuclear fuel but it is much harmful then nuclear itself.

Major drawback to the use of nuclear power?

A major drawback to the use of nuclear power is that it produces radioactive waste. This waste can pollute water sources and kill organisms.

What does France do with nuclear waste?

Because you can reuse 17% of nuclear waste and use it as if it was new.

Does nuclear energy pollute the air?

Absolutely every form of energy we use creates pollution. Even solar and wind do. Nuclear though creates a waste that is very different from other forms of energy. This waste will be around for thousands of years and could kill on contact.