

How can a buddist not pay child support or alimony?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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If you are a non custodial parent of a child, you are expected to pay child support--regardless of religious beliefs. That is because it is the law of the land.

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Q: How can a buddist not pay child support or alimony?
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Do you have to pay child support if you pay alimony?

If you live in the US, it's certainly possible that you might be ordered to pay both child support and alimony. Of course, it's also possible that you would only be ordered to pay child support. What the court will order depends on the factors of the case.

Do you have to pay support to your girlfriend?

If you mean child support, yes. If you mean alimony or maintenance, no.

Do I still pay child support if my child's mother remarries?

Yes, you are supporting the child. The mother's marital status is irrelevant for child support. It usually does make a difference in alimony.

Can ones alimony be garnished to pay child support in Ohio?

It's taxable income, so yes.

Alimony v Child Support-What are benefits and negatives of one over the other?

Actually, limited time alimony is better to pay than child support. Child support separate from alimony only became common some 40 years ago. Alimony is tax deductible, while child support is not. When calculating child support, alimony is a deductible item from gross earned income on which the calculations are based, thus less child support is ordered. In addition, the alimony adds to the total taxable the other parent, resulting in them taking on a greater obligation in the support of the children. Balancing the benefits of one over the other is something to discuss with a tax accountant. Reducing taxable income, as a result of paying alimony, could bring the obligor into a lower tax bracket. Combining this with the lower child support obligation could actually create an overall savings as compared to just paying child support.

Maximum garnishment for alimony in Illinois?

what is the maximum percentage or $ for garnishment of wages for alimony in illinois. I have fully completed child support and am continuing to pay for their colleges. I am trying to get alimony lowered but having a difficult time.

Can alimony and child support be listed in arrears on your credit report?

Yes, child support and alimony are both considered debts owed by one parent to the other. As with any debt, failure to pay can be reported to credit bureaus and can negatively affect your credit rating.

If your not married and have a child together do you have to pay alimony in Ontario?

The registered parent (on the birth cert.) is obliged to pay child support (maintenance) to the parent that has custody of the child... circumstances sometimes vary, but this is usually the case.

If you are paying alimony to your ex and she moves in with another man do you still have to pay?

In most states, alimony is unaffected except by a subsequent marriage. You have to pay alimony until the ex actually marries, moving in doesn't mean anything except she's trying to get back at you, she has needs as well, or both. You have to pay child support until the new husband actuality adopts the child, few do for this reason.

What is a declaration in support of arrest warrant filed?

A declaration in support and arrest warrant is filed when a non custodial parent refuses to pay child support. Occasionally a warrant could be filled for alimony.

Do you have to grant the wish of your spouse for a divorce knowing you will end up paying for child support and alimony?

The power to "grant" a divorce does not lie with you it lies with the family courts. You cannot force your spouse to stay married to you. The court will establish child support (and alimony, if any) based on the needs of the parties and the ability to pay.

If you are ordered to pay child support and the mother gives up custody can you stop paying?

As long as it is child support and not alimony (to the woman) then yes, you can stop paying. But, it is still your child. Think about that one before you go to sleep tonight. Phil