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Someone who is 10 years old should not try to lose weight unless a doctor tells them to do so. Reducing calories can be very harmful for children.

Encourage the 10-year-old to eat foods that have high nutrition and exercise in a way that is fun.

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12y ago
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15y ago

at that age, a child is too young for a formal diet regimen. encourage and promote healthy eating , not just for the child, but the whole family unit. incorporate mandatory outdoors time, games of tag, family bike riding. this is not something the child should have to do alone, instead the child should have the support and contribution of the family. eating right and exercising should have any excess weight off in a hurry, it's when they get older that weight gets harder to lose.

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15y ago

well it depends how much you weigh. Are you over weight? find out if you are over weight and how many pounds over weight are you.

: -cut down on snacks : -plan time to work out some days of the week : -get active : -get involved in sports : -try to eat more healthy : -instead of being lazy get up and do something : -go on walks, jogs, or runs : -drink plenty of water : -instead of the sugar try a fruit or vegetable : -stop eating so much junk food : -try to watch how much you eat and what your eating

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10y ago

Eat beans alot so u can digest and get plenty sleep also do 100 crunches at least it's so better because u r tightning your belly also last is to do it for at least a month and u don't have to eat beans only u can also do shakes and anything else that help u digest

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11y ago

Unless a 10 year old is overweight or obese, they probably shouldn't lose weight. Even if they are overweight, a weight-loss regime should not be undertaken without the advice of a doctor.

It is important to get a sufficient amount of exercise in order to be healthy, but it shouldn't be viewed as simply a means to lose weight. A 10 year old is a child, and playing outside is a good and simple way to be active. It's also a lot more fun to run around and play than to engage in an exercise regime that can otherwise be repetitious, and boring.

It is also important to eat healthy. Reducing the intake of junk food (those foods that are high in sugar or fat, and low in nutrients) is always a good idea.

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8y ago

Here are a variety of suggestions to enable a 10-year-old to lose weight. Ideally, weight loss for a child can be best approached through complete family participation. If you are a 10-year-old, please first consult with a responsible adult (you can show them the good suggestions on this page) or a physician or medical adviser.

  • plan a workout or exercise schedule
  • engage in cardio exercise such brisk walks, trampolining, jogging or running several times per week
  • get involved in sports such as baseball, Basketball, football, and try agility and track running
  • first check with your physician or medical adviser before changing eating or exercise habits
  • any exercise is better than using the TV or computer too much
  • if your child is overly involved with Video Games offer to purchase the physically interactive video game systems such as the Xbox kinect and the like (if your child's physician approves it)
  • drink plenty of water
  • eliminate or strictly limit refined processed carbohydrates (apart from an occasional treat) you will find a list of these foods at the bottom of this answer
  • replace refined processed carbohydrates with more of the specific fat burning proteins to burn body fat (you will also find a list of these foods at the bottom of this answer
  • avoid all sugary drinks/pop/soda
  • avoid fruit juices (even natural fruit juices) which are high in fructose (a form of sugar)
  • snack and meals can include low carbohydrate fruits such as berries and plenty of green vegetables or salad vegetables (without sugary dressings)
  • unless vegetarian, include more fish in the diet, plainly cooked (not fried and not coated in batter or breadcrumbs)
  • use beneficial fats and oils (do not exclude all fats, some fat is essential for health and to sustain life)
  • as stated previously, strictly limit ( apart from an occasional treat) refined processed carbohydrates; over consumption of these foods is not only a major cause of weight gain and obesity but can also be a major cause of Heart disease, high blood pressure, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and many other diet related diseases in both adults and children
  • get your carbohydrates from natural sources such as fresh vegetables and fruits such as those suggested previously
  • cardio walking is excellent for weight loss and, unlike running or jogging, it is sustainable long term.
  • cardio sports and cardio exercise are also excellent fat burning activities
  • if a child is significantly overweight, walking is the best exercise to start with
  • for safety, a child should always walk or exercise with a responsible adult

For more information about how to do it all see the page links listed below.

16 people, + others elsewhere, found this answer page useful.

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14y ago

NOBODY of ANY age can lose more than 1-2lbs a week. Do not even try!

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Yes and no. It depends o the girls body type, and how athletic she is.

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you ar ea couple of pounds hevy but you can lose the weight fast.

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What is the best way for a 12-year-old to lose weight fast before a big event?

THERE IS NO GOOD WAY. A 12 year old is TOO YOUNG to lose weight "fast". I assume this is in preparation for some kind of athletic event, and drastic weight loss for a wrestling match or other competition is asking for trouble in an adult, let alone in a growing pre-adolescent. Talk to your doctor for specific advice.

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"Can" a 130 pound 12 year old lose weight, yes, but the question is "should" a 130 pound 12 year old lose weight. The answer to that depends on your height and build as well. It would be good to consult a physician if you are concerned about being over weight. They can also give you ideas on how best to lose weight for your age if losing weight is appropriate. Good luck.

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Never try to lose weight fast, otherwise it will return and be harder to lose very quickly. Losing weight is usually a combination of healthy eating and exercise. However, make sure you talk to a doctor first. You don't want to be losing weight if they believe your current weight is healthy.