

How are limestone caves different to other caves?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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11y ago

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Primarily in their mode of formation: dissolution of limestone by water acidified by atmospheric CO2 (forming carbonic acid).

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Q: How are limestone caves different to other caves?
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Related questions

Are limestone in caves?

Other way round! Water and/or air are in caves.:-) Most of the world's caves have formed / are forming in limestone.

Are all caves made of limestone?

No, not all caves are made of limestone. Caves can be formed in various types of rocks, including granite, sandstone, and volcanic lava flows. Limestone caves are common because limestone is soluble and can be eroded by water to create cave systems, but caves can also form in other types of rocks through different geological processes.

How does limestone caves are formed?

Calcium and carbon form limestone. limestone caves are formed by water and other materials eroding the cliff to form a cave.

How and where do you get limestone from?

Limestone Caves e.g The Marble Arch Caves in Northern Ireland(Fermanagh)

How are limestone caves and sea caves alike?

They are both caves

What are the different kinds of caves?

The most common types of cave are limestone caves.

How does a acid cave form?

Limestone is the rock that is in Caves. When carbonate acid is reacted to the limestone in the caves, it will corrode forming strange caves landforms.

What kind of rock is located near caves?

It depends on the cave. Since many caves are limestone (water carves it nicely), you usually find limestone. But granite is common in New Hampshire & Vermont.

Where can limestone caves befound?

generally, in limestone uplands, where the limestone is sufficiently massive to hold caves, and particularly but not exclusively where the local surface drainage can concentrate rainwater into discreet streams than can then form sink caves when they flow onto the limestone.

Why are there so many caves in limestone rock?

Because Limestone rock is a awesome type of rock that creates caves.

Is there limestone in Missouri?

Yes Missouri is famous for its limestone caves.

Where are most caves found?

Most caves are found in limestone hills.