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It is understood, while perhaps not what one would call arranged marriages- there were mass-produced , if you will mass weddings in the Fascist Period which were evidentally conducted in stadia and had the usual loudspeaker stuff here taken over by clergy. The entire canonical ( church laws, nothing to do with Gun control) norms were kept- but there was something of an assembly-line atmosphere one would not normally consider a ( Love Feast). More recently in the United States, and elsewhere, the Unification Church of Rev. Moon conducted Mass Marriages, again in stadiums and locations such as Madison Square Garden- put mildly, a logistical nightmare. I do not know if these still occur. The Catholic Church has nothing internal that would block mass-production weddings- but the concept has gone out of Vogue ( style, niot the fashion magazine which, get this was banned in Russia, Sunway cionductors were offered bonuses by the Agency for confiscating copies of this Western publication!

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Q: How are arranged marriages in Italy?
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you ;)

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The Hebrews were very into arranged marriage but I don't know of any MODERN religions that are into arranged marriages. They silly if you ask me...

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Do indians have arranged marriages?

In India the percentage of arranged marriages is higher then love marriages. Could be sixty percent.