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Schwann cells are cells that are part of the nervous system, which warps around a nerve fiber and forms the nerve-insulating layer. Schwann cells are not affected greatly in multiple sclerosis, as MS is an autoimmune disease of the CENTRAL nervous system, and Schwann cells are only present in the PERIPHERAL nervous system. In the CNS, oligodendrocytes are responsible for insulating the axons with myelin, but are hardly affected in MS, as MS causes destruction of myelin, not the myelinating agents.

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4. Schwann cells make the insulation for nerve cells, they are kind of like the white lines on the side of the road and guard rails for our information highways in our brains and nerves throughout our bodies. You could also think of them as the rubber around a wire. They are affected in multiple sclerosis patients because in multiple sclerosis the body attacks its own schwann cells. New research is being done in this field including transplants to regrow and repair the damaged schwann cells but is mostly preventive. In Multiple Sclerosis patients the crucial material, myelin, needed to coat the neurons is being eaten away. the body needs these cells to signal to the rest of the body effectively. when the body is unable to create this material, you begin to get Multiple Sclerosis.

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11y ago
SummaryDeficits in executive function and the relationship to frontal lesion load as detected on MRI were investigated in 42 multiple sclerosis patients. A battery of neuropsychological test examining executive skills including computerized tests of planning and spatial working memory was administered to all subjects. Performance on these tests was impaired in the patient group when compared with a group of matched controls, but not all executive skills were affected to the same extent. Although a number of executive test scores correlated with the severity of frontal lesion load, it was difficult to disentangle the specific contribution of frontal lobe pathology to the impairment on executive tasks. This study highlights the difficulties in attempting to attribute specific cognitive abnormalities to focal brain pathology in the presence of widespread disease such as in multiple sclerosis.



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Q: Would multiple sclerosis affected schwann cells or oligodendrocytes?
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How are schwann affected in multiple sclerosis patients?

4. Schwann cells make the insulation for nerve cells, they are kind of like the white lines on the side of the road and guard rails for our information highways in our brains and nerves throughout our bodies. You could also think of them as the rubber around a wire. They are affected in multiple sclerosis patients because in multiple sclerosis the body attacks its own schwann cells. New research is being done in this field including transplants to regrow and repair the damaged schwann cells but is mostly preventive. In Multiple Sclerosis patients the crucial material, myelin, needed to coat the neurons is being eaten away. the body needs these cells to signal to the rest of the body effectively. when the body is unable to create this material, you begin to get Multiple Sclerosis.

How are schwann cells affected in multiple patients?

4. Schwann cells make the insulation for nerve cells, they are kind of like the white lines on the side of the road and guard rails for our information highways in our brains and nerves throughout our bodies. You could also think of them as the rubber around a wire. They are affected in multiple sclerosis patients because in multiple sclerosis the body attacks its own schwann cells. New research is being done in this field including transplants to regrow and repair the damaged schwann cells but is mostly preventive. In Multiple Sclerosis patients the crucial material, myelin, needed to coat the neurons is being eaten away. the body needs these cells to signal to the rest of the body effectively. when the body is unable to create this material, you begin to get Multiple Sclerosis.

Schwann cells are functionally similar to?


Schwann cells are functionally similar to what?


Which cells form myelin in the spinal cord?

They are called oligodendrocytes but in the peripheral nervous system you would call them schwann cells.

Which type of glial cells produces the myelin sheaths that insulate axons or nerve fibers in the central nervous system (CNS)?

myelin sheath

Myelin is a lipid insulation produced by the?

Oligodendrocytes are specialized neurolgical cells that produce myelin sheath.

What two cells form the insulating sheaths around axons?

Schwann cells and oligodendrocytes

What is the difference between Schwann cells and oligodendrocytes?

1) starting with the obvious; oligodendrocytes myelinate axons in the CNS whereas schwann cells myelinate axons in the PNS 2) a single oligodendrocyte is able to myelinate multiple axons whereas a schwann cell can only myelinate a single axon. 3) schwann cell myelination allows for axonal grown and regeneration where as oligodendrocytes inhibit axonal growth and regeneration. 4).... and probably a bunch more differences

What type of cells produce the myelin sheath in the central nervous system?

Oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells both produce myelin. Oligodendrocytes produce myelin in the CNS, whereas Schwann cells produce myelin in the PNS. CNS refers to central nervous system PNS refers to peripheral nervous system

What is the neuronal basis of denervation hypersensitivity?

Denervation hypersensitivity occurs in multiple sclerosis. In multiple sclerosis demyelination of oligodendrocytes in the central nervous system and Schwann cells in the peripheral nervous system result in disruption of communication between upper motor neurons in the brain and the lower motor neurons in the gray matter of the spinal cord. The end result is denervation hypersensitivity with physical symptoms of increased muscle tone, difficulty controlling muscles, exaggerated reflexes, and muscle spasms.

Which glial cells provide structural metabolic support for neurons?

CNS = Oligodendrocytes PNS = Schwann cells