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meiosis I

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Q: Homologous chromosomes segregate towards opposite poles of a dividing cell during which stage?
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Which is the process during meiotic cell division where there is a separation of homologous pairs of chromosomes?

Homologous chromosomes are chromosomes that carry genes that perform the same functions. Seperation of these chromosomes occurs during Mitosis where sister chromatids will be separated and pulled to opposite sides of a dividing cell. It also occurs during Meiosis 1 and 2 where in meiosis homologous chromosome pairs will line for the first time on the metaphase plate and be pulled to opposite sides of the cell and once again (without duplicating again) line up on the metaphase plate and be pulled to opposite ends of the cell. So the separation of homologous chromosomes happens in Meiosis stage 1 where you have a diploid organism with 4 copies of its chromatids and these homologous chromosomes (chromatids connected by a centromere) are pulled to opposite ends of the cell.

What phase in Meiosis do spindle fibers move homologous chromosomes to opposite sides?

Anaphase 1

When do homologous chromosomes move towards opposite poles in meiosis?

In Anaphase I of meiosis.

What happens to DNA in anaphase?

The homologous chromosomes (as pairs of sister chromatids) separate to opposite poles of the cell.

Cell division producing daughter cells that are different?

A cell divides to produce two daughter cells that are genetically different is true for meiosis I only. Homologous chromosomes move toward opposite poles of a dividing cell during meiosis I.

What is the Disjunction of homologous chromosomes to the opposite poles?

During anaphase, the centrosomes (which have moved to opposite poles of the cell) release microtubules from their centrioles which then pull the chromosomes towards them, the double stranded chromosomes then split at the centromere and thus each pole of the chromosome has a copy of every chromosome. I assume you're talking about meiotic division though and in this case the spindle fibres/ microtubules dont split the chromosomes in half, rather, the chromosomes line up in homologous pairs (instead of in single file) and the spindle fibres pull one of the entire homologous double stranded chromosomes to its designated pole.

During what phase is the chromosome number reduced from 2n to n?

Homologous chromosomes travel to opposite sides of the cell

What does it mean when homologous chromosomes crossover?

When homologous chromosomes crossover, they merge one chromatid with the other. One small part of the chromosome will now be part of the other, and the opposite chromosome will have a part of the other chromosome in place of where it switched it's own to the other. It's a bit confusing, but you can search google images to get visual aid.

List the phases of meiosis 1 and meiosis 2 and describe the events characteristic of each phase?

Interphase phase is the phase before meiosis begins, genetic material is duplicated. The first division of meiosis is prophase 1 which is duplicated chromatin condenses. Each chromosome consists of two, closely associated sister chromatids. Crossing over can occur during the latter part of this stage. Metaphase 1 is homologous chromosomes align at the equatorial plate. Anaphase 1 homologous pairs separate with sister chromatids remaining together. Telophase 1 two daughter cells are formed with each daughter containing only one chromosome of the homologous pair.

What happens in meiosis during anaphase I?

The chromosomes split equally and move to the opposite sides of the cell.

How many homologous chromosomes do you have in your gametes?

Number of Homologous Chromosomes in GametesGametes contain 23 paired chromosomes. Gametes are haploid because they are sex cells to be combined with other haploid sex cells of the opposite gender to form the required 46 chromosomes that form a zygote (a future child), which is diploid.