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the answer is "works". 'slowly' and 'steadily' are adverbs that describes the word 'works'

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Q: He works slowly but steadily which word is the verb?
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What does the word steadily mean?

walk slowly

How do you use steadily in a word?

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Is slowly a verb or adverb?

The word slowly is an adverb.The verb form of the word is slow.

What is slowly a verb?

a verb ? No, it is an adverb which modifies a verb or action word.

What type of verb is slowly?

The word slowly ends in -ly, so it is an adverb.

Is eyes slowly a verb?

Eyes slowly is actually two parts of speech. The word "eyes" is a verb, while the word "slowly" is an adverb, a word describing the verb. The word 'eyes' is also a plural noun; for example:Noun: The cat's eyes slowly followed the mouse before pouncing.Verb: The cat eyes the mouse slowlybefore pouncing.

Is the word slowly a verb or a noun?

it's an adverb

What is the adverb in the sentence the tall white house steadily beamed his light?

An adverb is a word that modifies or qualifies an adjective, verb, or other adverb or a word group. The only word in the sample sentence that performs this function is "steadily".

Does The elephant marches slowly have an adverb?

Yes. The word slowly is an adverb. It modies the verb (marches).

Mary works everyday Does this sentence contain an action verb?

Yes, the word works. The word is an action performed by the subject Mary. Mary works every day

How do you spell the word hevenessense?

This is the word evanescence (process of slowly fading or dissipating, from the verb to evanesce)

What word modifies slowly in the sentence she slowly convinced you of the benefits of exercise?

Slowly is not modified by any word in this sentence. But slowly modifies convinced. Slowly is an adverb of manner and it modifies the verb convinced. It tells us in what manner you were convinced.