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Yes, in many studies as well as by experience of the use of the seasonal flu shots made the same way. The Swine Flu vaccine is safe, as safe as vaccinations for any other illness, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Studies prior to the US approval of the vaccines were done by the manufacturers and by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) with monitoring by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). All approved the vaccines as safe and effective for use as directed.

The new A-H1N1/09 Pandemic Flu vaccine is being produced just like the regular seasonal flu shot, which has a very high safety record, so there is no reason to expect any different outcomes than we have seen with the seasonal flu shot for decades.

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Q: Has the Swine Flu vaccination been properly tested?
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Related questions

Can you die from being vaccination?

Yes,I do believe you could because the H1N1 vaccination has never been tested on humans!! I myself is not getting the needle.

Who generally gets Swine Flu?

Anyone who has not had a flu vaccination each year since the pandemic and/or has not already had illness from the exact strain of flu as the pandemic swine flu. The annual flu vaccine has contained the H1N1/09 swine flu since the first regular flu season (in 2010 - 2011) after the discovery of the new strain in 2009. In the 2009 - 2010 flu season, a second vaccination against swine flu was required to be taken, in addition to the regular seasonal flu vaccination, to be immune. See the related question below for a list of those mostly likely to get, and have complications from, the 2009 swine flu (if they have not been vaccinated).

Is the Swine Flu slowing down?

Yes. The pandemic has been declared over. There remain some isolated outbreaks from time to time and place to place, however, so if you have not received a vaccination for it yet, you should. The swine flu vaccine is included in the seasonal flu vaccination in the 2011-2012 flu season in the Northern Hemisphere.

Where can you get a Swine Flu shot?

In the US in the 2012-2013 flu season, the H1N1/09 swine flu vaccine is included once again in the "regular" trivalent and quadravalent vaccines that have been prepared for the seasonal flu. No separate vaccination is needed.

Does Zimbabwe have Swine Flu?

Yes, it has spread to half of the area already.

Do police have to have their radar gun registration?

They have to show that it is has been tested and is functioning properly.

How does the Swine Flu virus survive?

The swine flu H1N1/09 virus survives as do all viruses, by invading a host to support it and do its work to reproduce. Viruses can not live without a host to infect. That is why some viral diseases have been eliminated by vaccination programs, if everyone is vaccinated, no one becomes a host. Don't let flu viruses survive inside you, get a flu vaccination every year prior to flu season.

Why is there such hype over the Swine Flu?

Well , the swine flu has been made such a hype because the vacine is just being released. NOT tested yet... to be honest more could die from the vacines un tested side effects than the flu itself. I do think its a dangerous flu but its not any worse than the regular flu =) wash your hands and you'll be ok.

What do they call a castrated boar?

a boar is a swine who has not been castarated a barrow is a male swine that has been castarated a guilt is a female swine that has not yet farrowed a pig is a female swine that has farrowed

When is a scientific theory formed?

When a scientific idea has been tested many times

Is Swine Flu deadly to 12 year olds?

So far, swine flu hasn't been any more deadly than the regular flu. Any form of the flu can be deadly, but normally only for people who have other medical problems as well. Avoid all concerns by getting the vaccination to prevent it in the first place.

Has Justin Bieber had the Swine Flu?

No, he hasn't had the swine flu. If he had the swine flu it would have been all over the news since he is so popular.