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Q: Giving human qualities to something nonhuman?
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Which best defines the term personification A. Using a speaker other than the author in a poemB. Implying that natural objects are superior to people C. Writing about characters from ancient mythsD. Giving human qualities to nonhuman things?

D. Giving human qualities to nonhuman things

What is it called when you give human qualities to a nonhuman thing?


Giving human characteristics to nonhuman things?


Is giving human qualities to something non-human?

That is called personification.

Giving animals things or ideas human like quaulities?

Giving nonhuman obects/animals human characteristics is called personification.

This is a type of figurative language in which human qualities are given to nonhuman things?

It's called personification.

Assigning human qualities to nonhuman objects?

The practice of ascribing human characteristics to animals is called anthropomorphism,or Pathetic fallacy.

An image in which something nonhuman is given human characteristics is called?


What literary device is this who nothing hurt withal hissed him in scorn?

personification. It is giving human-like qualities to something non-human.

Is the bowels of the rock a personification?

Personification involves giving human characteristics to something non-human. Referring to the bowels of the rock as if it has human-like qualities can be considered personification, as it attributes inner qualities or feelings to an inanimate object.

What do you call the phenomenon of giving human names and traits to nonhuman entities?

If I am correct, you are thinking of personification. And if you're not, it's anthropomorphism.

If personification is the answer to this figure of speech"the sun continue to smile on him", why is it so?

Personification is the attribution of human qualities and attributes to nonhuman things. In "the sun continue to smile on him," the sun is smiling, which is considered as a human quality. The sun doesn't literally smile (up)on (someone or something), but it expresses, bestow, or look with favor or approval on someone or something.