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Inductive reasoning is when someone provides strong evidence to the truth of something. An example would be showing someone a car that you are trying to sell and physically showing them that the car starts and the tires are in good condition.

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Q: Give an example of how you would use inductive reasoning in a real life situation?
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Example of inductive reasoning in geometry?

Inductive reasoning in geometry is mainly used with repetitive concepts or patterns. An example would be multiplying -7 by 2 using repeated addition, which is "-7+-7," to equal -14.

Describe a conclusion reached from observations?

A "conjecture" is a conclusion reached simply from observations...this is a process known as "inductive reasoning". An example would be a weather forecast. The difference between "inductive reasoning" and "deductive reasoning" is that with deductive reasoning, the answer must "necessarily" follow from a set of premises. Inductive reasoning is the process by which you make a mathematical "hypothesis" given a set of observations

What is the description of inductive reasoning?

Inductive reasoning (I learned this in geometry) is reasoning in which you use observations rather than direct information to solve a problem. For example, instead of using a data table to determine something, you would use LOGIC, OBSERVATIONS, and INFERENCES to come to a conclusion. Hope this helps! :)

What is Inductive in geometry?

Reasoning.An example of inductive reasoning in geometry would be estimating or figuring out a solution to a given condition and testing it to see if it applies to other conditions with similar properties.Its opposite is deductive reasoning where one would draw a conclusion from a set of circumstances or conditions and then test or apply the same reasoning toward one instance.

How do people create an inductive argument?

inductive; -of reasoning; proceeding from particular facts to a general conclusion; "inductive reasoning" So an inductive argument would be based on a set of facts that two opposing sides could use to create separate conclusions, or that one person could use to form a theory or a derivation

What is a conclusion reached through inductive reasoning?

Deductive reasoning goes from a general to a specific instance. For example, if we say all primes other than two are odd, deductive reasoning would let us say that 210000212343848212 is not prime. Here is a more "classic"example of deductive reasoning. All apples are fruits All fruits grow on trees Therefore, all apples grow on trees

What type of reasoning is used when a scientist tests a hypothesis?

That would be deductive reasoning, as this type of reasoning moves from a general premise (an hypothesis) to a more specific conclusion (theory).

What kind of reasoning is used to form theories?

Inductive reasoning makes generalizations from specific facts, and would therefore be more closely tied to forming theories.

Inductive reasoning requires creative thinking?

Yes, it does! I had this question on a quiz and got it wrong, :( so I would know!

Is deductive reasoning more important than inductive reasoning?

Both are equally important. Inductive reasoning is when one makes a conclusion based on patterns; deductive reasoning is based on a hypothesis already believed to be true. However, deductive reasoning does give a more "solid" conclusion because as long as the hypothesis is true, the conclusion will most likely to be true. An example is saying that all dogs are big; Harry is a dog, so it must be big. Since the hypothesis all dogs are big is false, Harry may not necessarily be big. If I change my hypothesis to be all dogs are mammals, thus concluding that Harry is a mammal since it is a dog, I would be correct, for I changed my hypothesis to a true fact. Using inductive reasoning, on the other hand, may result in a false conclusion. For example, since I am a human and I have brown hair, one could use inductive reasoning to say all humans have brown hair, which would be false. So, to sum it up, both inductive and deductive reasoning are important, but deductive reasoning is usually more reliable since as long as the hypothesis one's conclusion is based on is true, the conclusion itself will usually be true.

What is an example of of inductive reasoning?

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Based on developmental changes in fluid and crystallized intelligence on which type test would an older adult score high?

Both are based on experience, so perhaps an inductive reasoning test.