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They explain how to classify the objects introduced in the topic sentence into smaller groups, or they list the parts of the item introduced in the topic sentence.

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11y ago

They explain how to classify the objects introduced in the topic sentence into smaller groups, or they list the parts of the item introduced in the topic sentence.

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Q: For what purpose are supporting sentences needed in a classification paragraph?
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What purpose does sentences 3-6 serve in this paragraph?

They provide supporting details

Supporting sentences in a classification paragraph are used for what purpose?

They explain how to classify the objects introduced in the topic sentence into smaller groups, or they list the parts of the item introduced in the topic sentence.

What is the purpose of a topic sentence in a supporting paragraph?

Make a statement that will be backed up with evidence in that paragraph

What is the purpose of the supporting sentence?

To develop, support, or explain the main idea of a paragraph

What is the purpose a supporting sentence?

To develop, support, or explain the main idea of a paragraph

What is the purpose of a supporting sentence?

To develop, support, or explain the main idea of a paragraph

What do topic sentences do?

Topic sentences introduce the main idea or theme of a paragraph. They provide a clear and concise statement that previews the content that will follow in the paragraph. Topic sentences help readers understand the purpose and focus of each paragraph in a text.

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A lead sentence starts a paragraph. It tells the reader a quick little intro into what you are about to go into in the sentences that follow

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What is the purpose classification?

The purpose of classification is to arrange things in groups of similar items.

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Generally, mission statements are short, direct descriptions of the purpose and goal of a company. Most are no more than a few sentences, or one paragraph.

Which is not a main purpose of supporting details?

is explaining a main idea a main purpose of supporting details