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the aerobic system is a long term energy system. It requires oxygen to ensure energy is available for the re-systhesis of ATP.It provides energy for low-moderate intensity exercise - 90 seconds plus .....

Goes through a number of chemical reactions - produces carbon dioxide and water

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Q: Football applied to the aerobic energy system?
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Why is the aerobic endurance important?

Aerobic energy system is used for long durations sports such as a Football And Marathon Running As The Aerobic energy System is used for long distance sport activities and can only be active when oxygen is there.

What energy systems are used in a game of touch football?

ATP-PC 70% of the time on the field. Lactic Acid 15% and O2 (Oxygen) at 15% of the time on the field. When the Link has run out of Phosphate Creatine to replenish ADP molecules back into ATP, then the Link will rely on the energy system of Lactic Acid, and then the O2 System

Which Energy system uses glucose fat and protein fuel?

Aerobic Energy System (Oxidative)

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Which energy system does it fuel lipids?

Lipids fuel your Aerobic System. EE

What nutrients and compounds can the aerobic system use to resynthesise energy?

Glucose is the energy source that is used to release ATP through aerobic respiration. this is safe man

Where in touch football does the energy system get used?

If you're talking about which position, it would be all of them. It's not really a good question. Touch Football efforts can be broken down into about 50% anaerobic 30% aerobic and a 20% combination of the two

Is Aerobic energy system for a 400 meter sprinter the right anwer?

No! The 400 meters is 10% aerobic and 90% anaerobic.

Why do basketball players use aerobic energy system?

because they take steriod!

Which type of respiration produces the most energy?

aeorobic respiration

What does aerobic exercise use for energy?

The Aerobic Energy system works via the breakdown of carbohydrates by oxygen. The by products of this process are water (in sweat) carbon dioxide (in breath) and heat (produced by the muscles).

What energy system is used in long distance running?

The human body is a biochemical machine. It uses the chemical energy in food to power the muscles it uses to run. The energy in food, water, and the oxygen in air combine to make the body of the runner work.