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The Orthodox Church worships the way Peter and the first church did. Due to the Great Schism, the Catholics follow this way of worshipping, but have modernized it a little. Orthodox Christians also follow the Julian calendar, except for Christmas, while the Catholics follow the Gregorian

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Roman Catholic AnswerThey do not, actually, for every Orthodox sect, there is a corresponding Uniate Rite. When the Orthodox Christians when into schism, every single one of them split into two, one became "Orthodox" and is not in communion with Rome, and one half stayed in the Catholic Church. Thus there are nine Rites in the Catholic Church, of which the Latin Rite is only one, howbeit the largest one. Others include the Byzantine, Armenian, Chaldean, Coptic, Ethiopic, Malabar, Maronite, and Syrian rites. All of these, save the Latin and Maronite Rites are still used by Christians no longer in Communion with Rome, i.e. the Orthodox Christians. But there really is no difference in worship.
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