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Cooking oils are unsaturated triglycerides so Bromine add up on pi bonds,

R-CH=CH-(CH2)n-COOR + Br2 = R-CH(Br)-CH(Br)-(CH2)n-COOR , the confirmation of reaction is the decolourisation of Bromine.

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Q: Equation for reaction of bromine with cooking oil?
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Give a test to differentiate between butter and cooking oil?

there can be two explanation: 1. cooking oil is unsaturated while butter is saturated so buter can not be hydrogenated but cooking oil can be. 2. as we know that brown colour of bromine disappears when a drop of bromine is added to unsaturated compound whereas there is no reaction between saturated hydrocarbons.

What happens if you mix cooking oil with bromine water?

The bromine water turns from orange to colourless, as it is breaking the double bonds. When the oil becomes saturated, any more bromine water that is added will not turn colourless.

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Yes, it is a chemical reaction.

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No, unsaturated oils and fats (sunflower oil, olive oil) decolourise when reacted with bromine

Is cooking oil made out of oil?

Yes, cooking oil is made out of oil.

Which is less dence ketchup or cooking oil?

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Why do Jews use oil in cooking?

Jews use oil in cooking for the same reasons that anyone uses oil in cooking.

Is making crisps with potatoes and cooking oil a reversible change?

This is an irreversible change as any cooked food cannot be returned to an uncooked state. This makes it a chemical reaction/change. Hope this helps, Kind regards, sasjade

What can purifying cooking oil helps?

The main advantage is to re-use (re-cycle) the cooking oil again, which saves having to buy new cooking oil. Though, eventually, new cooking oil will be needed to replace or top-up old cooking oil lost to evaporation, or cooking oil tainted with a strong smell, possibly from cooking a lot of smelly fish.

Minera oil use for cooking?

Mineral oil should NEVER be used for cooking. It is a petroleum byproduct, not a food-based cooking oil.

How do you know unsaturated fat is in vegetable oil?

An unsaturated oil will decolorize bromine water.