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Renaissance scholars investigated the civilizations around the northern Mediterranean, especially the Greeks and the Romans.

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Q: During the Renaissance Europeans uncovered knowledge from what ancient civilizations?
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Who uncovered that Odysseus was faking his madness?

Odysseus never pretended to be mad or crazy?

What is the city where archeologists uncovered a early Greek culture?

Troy _____________________________________________________________________________________________ There are several excavations in the mainland of Greece and the islands that prove the presence of Greeks in the time continuity from Sesklo, Dispilio, Knossos 7500 BCE [Neolithic] and later the Cycladic and Minoan civilizations. The discovery of Troy at 1871-73 and that of Mycenae at 1879 proved the two great epic poems of Όμηρος [Homer] Iliad and Odyssey were not a fiction but a real story reporting the heroic acts of the ancient Greeks ancestors’.

Where was the roman colossuem built?

The colosseum is in Rome. It is still there and you can visit it. Today it is in the center of a 3 lane traffic circle. The site it is built on once was a lake for Nero's palace. Parts of the palace today is also open for tours. It was uncovered several years ago. Not far from the colosseum is also a gladiator training area that has been opened for visitors.

What are facts about catal huyuk?

Catal Huyak (CHA tul HOO yook)In Turkey, surrounding regions: Europe, Asia, The Middle East, and Africa.Catal Huyak is the largest city this old ever uncovered by archaeologists.They domesticated animals which means to train something to be useful to people. They domesticated wild goats, cattle, and sheep.They planted wheat, barley, peas, and lentils.

What tools were used in the olden days?

The earliest tools of uncivilized societies were those of peoples engaged in hunting and gathering. Studies by archaeologists have uncovered such early tools used for digging in the earth and crude weapons carved from stone.

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