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Scientist still aren't completely sure about the function/s of the uvula. However, they believe that it produces saliva which lubricates the mouth. This in turn helps with speech. So yes , the uvula does help with speech.

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The uvula changes the way a voice sounds. When the uvula is angled back, the voice becomes nasally. Angling the uvula forward produces a clearer sound.

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Q: Does the uvula help in producing sounds and speech?
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What does the uvula do?

The uvula is a nifty bit of tissue that hangs in the back of your mouth. It plays a function in creating guttural sounds in languages like German, and the click sounds of some African languages.It does not cover the windpipe during eating and drinking. That is the function of the epiglottis.It does however block the nasopharynx and prevents food from entering the nasal cavity.If you mean what Does the uvula do, it protects your airway so food doesnt take the wrong turn. If food does go in, it will have to touch the uvula then it sinals your stomach to throw up to wash away the food.It stimulates the gag reflexOtolaryngologists (Ear, Nose, and Throat doctors) are still pondering that mystery! There really is no consensus on what it's for, most people agree that it has no significant purpose.The uvula's actual purpose remains unknown. It can be used to make different sounds in some languages, though.

What is the thing in the back of your mouth?

It is called your Uvula (or palatine uvula) and is connective tissue. It has no real function although some believe it helps with articulation of sound.The uvula is a muscle (muscularis uvulae) covered by mucosa. The uvula serves the function of closing the nasopharynx while swallowing so that food and liquid does not go into your nose when swallowing. However, most people do not need the entire uvula to perform this function. It is commonly removed in surgery performed for snoring or obstructive sleep apnea without causing nasopharyngeal regurgitation. It does indeed help with resonance of sound, but not with articulation.

What is the function of the soft palate?

The function of the soft palate is to prevent food from entering the nasal cavity during chewing and swallowing.

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no nun of those are my answer dum

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What does the uvula do?

The uvula is a nifty bit of tissue that hangs in the back of your mouth. It plays a function in creating guttural sounds in languages like German, and the click sounds of some African languages.It does not cover the windpipe during eating and drinking. That is the function of the epiglottis.It does however block the nasopharynx and prevents food from entering the nasal cavity.If you mean what Does the uvula do, it protects your airway so food doesnt take the wrong turn. If food does go in, it will have to touch the uvula then it sinals your stomach to throw up to wash away the food.It stimulates the gag reflexOtolaryngologists (Ear, Nose, and Throat doctors) are still pondering that mystery! There really is no consensus on what it's for, most people agree that it has no significant purpose.The uvula's actual purpose remains unknown. It can be used to make different sounds in some languages, though.

What is the thing in the back of your mouth?

It is called your Uvula (or palatine uvula) and is connective tissue. It has no real function although some believe it helps with articulation of sound.The uvula is a muscle (muscularis uvulae) covered by mucosa. The uvula serves the function of closing the nasopharynx while swallowing so that food and liquid does not go into your nose when swallowing. However, most people do not need the entire uvula to perform this function. It is commonly removed in surgery performed for snoring or obstructive sleep apnea without causing nasopharyngeal regurgitation. It does indeed help with resonance of sound, but not with articulation.

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What is the organ at back of mouth where both food and air may pass?

You probably mean the uvula. It's main purpose is to help keep food out of the sinuses. The opening to the nasopharynx is right behind the uvula. As you swallow, you tighten the muscles of the soft palate and the food pushes against the uvula, making it more difficult for food to go towards the sinuses. Sometimes small and hard pieces of food get around the uvula and the partially constricted nasopharynx, and it is uncomfortable. If you are referring to the passageway instead, that is the pharynx, or "throat." Then below that is the epiglottis, and that is what enables you to swallow, or breathe when it is relaxed.

Why do you need to study phonology and speech arts?

It is the study of how speech sounds are made. The International Phonetic Alphabet was designed primarily for studying speech to specify each sound that can be made orally to from words. All speech sounds are divided into categories, vowels which are divided into sub categories: front, central and back vowels depending on where in the mouth the sound is produced), consonants which are divided up into: sonorants, obstruents, fricatives, affricates, sibiliants, stridents, liquids,glides, and dipthongs. Knowing all these categories and their manner and placement of articulation can help further diagnose people with speech disorders.

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Practicing can help the speaker gain confidence and make the speech better.

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No there are no no software that can help with speech impediments.

What is the definition of connected speech?

Connected speechIn connected speech, the pronunciation of a word will change depending on the words around it. Changes in pronunciation within and across word boundaries include changes to individual sounds and new sounds being inserted. Learners have to become aware of these changes in order to understand authentic speech, and to help their pronunciation.ExampleIntrusion: If the words 'go' and 'up' are said together, there is a new /w/ sound between the two words.Elision: The disappearance of a sound in connected speech; chris(t)mas, int(e)rest.Linking: We tend to link final consonants and initial vowels across word boundaries.Weak forms: In connected speech, many words are pronounced in a weak form.In the classroomIntensive listening activities can help raise awareness of the features of connected speech, as can teaching phonemic symbols to illustrate these features. Modelling and drilling contextualised language can help learners to approximate connected speech.

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Have you tried planting a vegetable garden? That would help.