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No the US does not negotiate with terrorists.

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Q: Does the us negotiate with terrorists?
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What is the usg policy on negotiations in an unconstrained captivity environment with terrorists involved in a hostage situation?

Officially the US Government will not negotiate with terrorists

How do you write a sentence using the word negotiate?

We will not negotiate with the terrorists. They negotiate for a raise every year.

Is peace negotiation the best solution to terrorism?

yes. there is no other option in how to negotiate peace in between us and the terrorists. and through negotiation we already know what they want .

Is Obama a good president for us?

HE IS HORRIBLE Nothing has gotten better it has just gotten worse. We werent ready to leave iraq and were not ready to leave afghanistan. hes gonna negotiate with terrorists

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The Reagan administration used earnings from weapons sales to Iran to illegally fund the contras.

What is the usg policy on negotiation is an unconstrained captivity environment with terrorist involved in a hostage situation?

The government will not negotiate with terrorists

Why was the selling of weapons to Iran in the Iran-contra affair controversy?

It contradicted the administration's policy of refusing to negotiate with terrorists

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The reasons terrorists target the United States are at this time only speculation.

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How to negotiate with an Albanian?

just don't be tough with us ok then we can make a deal and negotiate

Who are US enemies?

Terrorists are enemies of the U.S.

What did the terrorists refer to the US?

"The great Satan"