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The length of employment and wages earned in that period determine the amount of weekly benefits you qualify for. Depending on the state, benefit pay outs generally range from 13 to 26 weeks, before any extensions, and that period is dependent on the weekly benefits. Each state has it's own criteria for these decisions.

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Q: Does the length of employment determine the length of collecting unemployment benefits?
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What if you find a job before your unemployment benefits run out?

You notify the unemployment commission, stop collecting benefits (unemployment is not an entitlement, it is something you receive as a benefit to help you get through a period when you are unemployed by no fault of your own), and move happily into your new position of employment.

Is early retirement allowed while collecting unemployment?

Receiving unemployment benefits require that you are able, willing, and actively seeking full time employment which, if you were retiring, violates those requirements. Therefore the benefits would cease.

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If you are laid off from your job and start collecting unemployment benefits and you are then able to retire during this time are you allowed to still keep collecting your unemployment checks?

No. If you are truly retiring you cannot continue to collect unemployment because you are required to be able, willing, and ready to accept full time employment which you are supposed to be seeking.

If you are collecting Florida unemployment benefits and you move to Connecticut can you continue to collect Florida's unemployment benefits?

Yes, as long as you comply with Florida's regulations concerning the move.

How many people are collecting unemployment insurance?

According to the US Department of Labor, about 8.9 million people were collecting unemployment benefits as of the week ending November 13, 2010.

If you are collecting unemployment in Oklahoma and it is almost gone but if you are moving to Missouri can you collect unemployment there?

You can only collect unemployment benefits from the "liable state", where the employer paid unemployment taxes, so Missouri would not pay you benefits, as you described it.

Can a person collect unemployment benefits and workmans compensation benefits at the same time in the state of Texas?

No. You would collect Workman's Compensation benefits because you were unable to work, thus disqualifying you from collecting unemployment (you have to be seeking full time employment to qualify for this).

Are unemployment benefits added to Social Security benefits when you retire?

No. You cannot receive unemployment benefits and retire also. To receive them you must be actively seeking full time employment

Are you eligible for unemployment if your company has retired you?

If you lost your employment through no fault of your own you would be eligible for unemployment benefits.

Where can one find information about moving from benefits to employment?

It depends on the type of benefits you are receiving. If you are receiving unemployment benefits then you could contact your local unemployment agency to find out about employment. If you are getting SSI/SSD then you would have to contact your local SSI department.