

Does the Venus Flytrap have little hairs called sensors?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Yes because it has to sense the insect to be able to catch it.

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Q: Does the Venus Flytrap have little hairs called sensors?
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Venus Flytraps have little hairs or sensors that whenever a fly lands on it, it triggers the "sensors" and it closes upon its prey.

What do leaves of venus flytrap do?

The Venus Flytrap has what are called 'traps' or 'mouths' on stems in which are used to catch and digest prey.

When was Venus The Flytrap created?

Venus Flytrap was created in 1768.

Is the Venus Flytrap an amphibian?

No, the Venus Flytrap is not an amphibian.

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Yes, the Venus Flytrap is in the understory.

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When did Venus The Flytrap happen?

Venus The Flytrap happened in 1990.

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Yes, the Venus Flytrap does have chlorophyll.

Is the Venus Flytrap real?

Yes, the Venus Flytrap is a real carnivorous plant but it isn't the ten foot tall man eater you see in little shop of horrors!

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No, Venus Flytrap flowers are not poisonous.

How does the Venus Flytrap trap a bug?

Venus flytraps have small sensors or hair that line the inside of the plant. When the fly lands on the plant it snaps shut and the fly can not escape. Try this out: Stick your finger in the flytrap don't worry you will be able to escape though.